Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's been busy!

Sorry first of all, we had trouble getting online yesterday.

Yesterday started with waking up early eating breakie, loading up in vehicles and let me just say.........let the race begin!!!!!!!
First destination was icefields, then back for a quick lunch so we can make our scheduled tram ride. Once on top most hiked up to the top of Whistlers mountain, then the hike down, back for dinner, then into town to see the fireworks to finally get to bed at midnight.

Today....was very much the same breakfast, out for rafting (we all survived, yah!), back for lunch, afternoon hike that was to be 11km hike but we had a few tired scout so we turned around 7km, back to campsite for dinner, then into town to let the kids spends some money. We are now making some anodes and shortly going to send tired leaders to bed and scouts.

Tomorrow will be another busy one. Kids are having fun but don't be surprised when your children lay on the couch for a few days after this trip. I know thAt's what I would like to do!
Good night Scouter Heather

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